FTSE Global Resource Protection Select Index

Tracks companies that tend to reduce the use of materials, energy or water, and to find more eco-efficient solutions by improving supply chain management.

About the FTSE Global Resource Protection Select Index

The FTSE Global Resource Protection Select Index captures the performance of stocks that tend to reduce the use of materials, energy, or water, and to find more eco-efficient solutions by improving supply chain management. The index uses Resource Use scores under ESG methodology to capture these criteria. 

The index excludes industries like tobacco or coal, and companies which predominant activity is linked to unconventional oil and gas production, unconventional oil and gas drilling, arms and ammunitions manufacturing, military aircraft manufacturing, military vehicles manufacturing, or military clothing and accessories.

The index tracks the price return of 30 publicly traded equities across the world that display relatively high Resource Use scores, in addition to high dividend and low volatility.

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